To rediscover one's roots, it is not always necessary to look outward. On the contrary.
Calligaris invites you to enter its home, its history, to rediscover together the importance of everything that makes us who we are. Always.
During Design Week 2024, join the exclusive event that celebrates our journey back to the origins.
Special Event
April 18, 2024
from 18:00 to 22:30
Calligaris Flagship Store
Via Turati, 7
20122 Milan
A journey that speaks to us deeply through the care of traditions, translated into an exceptional partnership with the historic Nonino distillers company. With Calligaris, it shares not only the Friulian roots but above all the passion for moments to share.
Creativity will be omnipresent, thanks to the special musical and artistic contributions that will animate the event. For you and with you.
We look forward to seeing you.
collezione 2024
During the event, you will have the opportunity to explore the new collection: a tangible reflection of the return to our origins. You will discover the beauty and strength of the materials that characterize our products, the connection with natural elements, and the authentic values that have always shaped our history.
Natural shades, the warmth of wood, and the solid reliability of ceramics, along with soft and comfortable fabrics: the result is a collection with enveloping lines that follow the body, accommodating its natural need for comfort.

The new Capsule Collection celebrates the return to origins in a contemporary key, paying impeccable attention to raw materials.
From design to production, each product is conceived with dedication and mastery, combining aesthetics and functionality in a synergistic union.
The beauty of the grain and shades of the legs, in solid wood, gives the tables a warm and sophisticated look, design elements that embellish every dining area, from the most modern to the most traditional.