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3D Planungsservice

3D Planungsservice

Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihren Wohlfühlort.
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Calligaris Flagship Store München
Lenbachpatz 6
80333 München

Tel: 089- 538 68 779
Mail : [email protected]
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talking windows

shop-windows that tell stories

talking windows:
shop-windows That Tell Stories

Calligaris' shop-windows transform into more than just views into the world; they become canvases ready to showcase the creative brushstrokes of ever-changing artists.

With the project “Talking Windows – Shop windows that tell stories”, each window becomes a work of art: living paintings that, each season, express emotions and aspirations through the eyes of a creative talent.
The journey began on 5 December 2024 and will accompany us throughout 2025.

edition no. 1:
Giovanna Giuliano

The project was inaugurated by Giovanna Giuliano, a Trieste-born illustrator with international acclaim, whose elegant and distinctive style has impressed brands such as the Financial Times and Luxottica. Starting on 5 December, her festive illustrations adorned Calligaris’ store windows, creating an immersive experience that evokes the warmth and magic of the holiday season.
An invitation to pause, observe, and be inspired.

four Seasons, four Stories of Creativity
In 2025, Talking Windows will continue to captivate with new artists reinterpreting the seasons through unique works created for Calligaris.
Each creation will be a dialogue between the brand’s identity and the artist’s creativity, offering the public visual experiences that connect art, design, and emotion.
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